Attachment of enamel signs

The customer implemented the attachment of enamel signs, which he would like to proudly present, with our products.

Passion for collecting

I collect enameled historical signs from insurance companies that I would like to display.
Usually such signs are screwed on. Screwing on makes the signs difficult to replace afterwards.
The result is often ugly drill holes in stone or wooden walls and in the worst case scenario I would damage these precious enamel signs that are worth preserving.
The enamel could flake off from drilling. Damage would reduce the value of the signs by half, which I absolutely want to avoid.
The same thing could happen if the screwdriver slipped, that would be devastating!

Advantages and disadvantages of the following mounting options

  • no damage whatsoever
  • glue residues are spared
  • annoying screwing on and unscrewing is not necessary (with the risk of slipping and the risk of enamel flaking off)
  • can be removed at any time, can be moved flexibly
  • Arched sheet metal plates can also be attached bomb-proof using magnets of different heights (possibly several on top of each other)
  • inexpensive mounting alternative
  • A screw solution would be more secure against theft on publicly accessible external walls.

As a collector of these insurance signs, I will now switch exclusively to magnets for attachment. These offer completely new perspectives.
The Discmagnet Ø 15.0 x 5.0 mm N40 nichel – holds 4.8 kg, recommended by you for my purposes , are just right ones.

Attachment of enamel signs in the showcase
Outdoor, protected outdoor area

A metal sign with the usual size of 24 x 16 cm (approx. 500g in weight) requires two magnets. Smaller signs are already securely attached with a magnet or smaller sized magnets. Everything can be exchanged effortlessly and flexibly at any time, which is particularly important for collectors.

Emaille Signs

Magnetic attachment in the showcase

Attachment of enamel signs to glass

I have two larger insurance signs , with which I didn’t want to “hang up” the whole showcase. I attached these signs to the skylight of my room door on the glass pane using a Discmagnet Ø 15.0 x 5.0 mm N40 nickel – holds 4.8 kg on both sides. Each sign is fixed with 4 magnets. I needed a total of 8 magnets.
Result: A bomb-proof hold, the signs can be moved or removed at any time.
The magnets are very strong. They stick through a pane of glass. The first magnet is held in place on the glass pane. With the other hand, the second magnet is placed on the opposite side of the glass nearby. This magnet automatically finds its counterpart with millimeter precision.
As I said: automatic and bombproof !!

Magnets on the glass pane

Detailed view of sign on skylight

Sign on skylight in room door

Sign on skylight in room door II

Fastening Enamel signs to acrylic glass positions

I have several insurance sings in and on shelves. I bought transparent acrylic stands from the trade.
These stands are ideal for presentation purposes. Dusting the stand prepares extra work. These must always be moved or lifted.
It’s annoying and dangerous at the same time. These are quite wobbly and often they stand high on the shelves and are difficult to reach.

Your disc magnets also provide a pragmatic remedy for my situation:
The principle is the same as shown above. 2-4 disc magnets (depending on the size of the sign) are attached to the acrylic stand from both sides.
Now only the insurance sign has to be positioned on the stand. Finished! Again the magnets attract each other automatically.
To a handy unit, the stand and the sign are now connected, which now also makes dusting easier.
The sign does not have to be on the exhibitor; the sign can also be attached with the magnets.
If the sign is positioned a little higher, it can be read more easily by the observer.
The effect is also different: the transparent stand makes the exhibition object appear lighter; it seems to be floating.

Acrylic stand

Magnets on sign

Sign in acrylic exhibitor

Representation of sign with acrylic exhibitor

Display of signs on shelf

I personally feel a need to thank you for my magnet deliveries. The use of magnets opened up completely new possibilities for my hobby. Thanks to the magnetic attraction, there are no limits to my creativity.

We would like to thank our customers from the bottom of our hearts for sending us a detailed description of his magnet application.