Bottle caps on the fridge – always unique!

Today we present another great application that a customer implemented with our strong neodymium magnets. Bottle caps on the fridge – always unique!

Bottle caps on the fridge – always unique!

Our daughter (11 years old) and actually the whole family, collects bottle caps of all kinds of drinks from different countries. We are now probably in possession of around 500 different bottle caps from maybe 10 countries.
There was always the question of how to present this collection decoratively. We ended up with our almost 2 m high (magnetic) refrigerator.
I looked  for a possibility to attach the caps on to te fridge without damaging the surface.  We want to be able to rearrange the caps at any time on it.
Of course, we came up with the idea of magnets and found what we were looking for.

I ordered 210 pieces of discmagnets Ø 5.0 x 5.0 mm N45 nickel, which now start on the upper refrigerator door and now also hold the collected works on the other side aswell. The first 210 magnets were quickly used up, the second load was needed. In the meantime, all the magnets have been used up and the bottle caps are collect in boxes, but should continue to improve the overall appearance of the refrigerator soon.
The choice fell on these small disc magnets, as there should be no distance to the wall. The magnets are actually a bit too short, but the force is enough to hold the caps.