Magnetic tarpaulin as protection against the cold

Our customer has cost-effectively created a magnetic tarpaulin as protection against the cold for his mobile home.

Cold protection on motorhomes

I made a winter tarpaulin for motorhomes with the help of your magnets!

Block magnets incorporated into the tarpaulin

Position of the block magnets

Magnetic tarpaulin as protection against the cold

A tarpaulin as protection against the cold in winter costs over € 120 in stores.
A tarpaulin from the hardware store makes implementation easier and cheaper. This was cut to size and provided with sturdy adhesive tape.
Then this tarpaulin was pasted over with small strong blockmagnets.
Lasts great.
You can also glue the loops on top. These fit under the doors on the inside. At the same time, the loops provide protection against theft. My total cost is around € 30.

Neodymium blockmagnets

With most of our neodymium blockmagnets, the north and south poles are on the two opposite large surfaces. The few exceptions can be seen on the extra image. Like our neodymium disc magnets, these blocks also fall into the „neodymium super magnets“ category. With our large selection you are sure to find the right magnet for your purposes.
We offer the strong neodymium magnets with a nickel or epoxy coating. For example, magnets with a black epoxy coating are better suited for humid environments.

You can find more interesting articles about applications with cuboid magnets here! Take a look.
Thanks very much.