Magnetic sensor attachment

A magnetic sensor attachment ensures that the electric roller shutters function correctly.
The sensors were attached with suction cups, which unfortunately do not guarantee a firm hold. The shutters started moving at the wrong time of day.

Magnetic sensor attachment

Sensor with suction button

dropped sensor

We use so-called electric belt winders for our roller shutters, in our case from Rademacher, which can be retrofitted to any roller shutter.
These sensors are attached with suction cups. Unfortunately, these always fall off after a certain period of time. (Despite previous cleaning of the window with alcohol)
This leads to a wrong brightness signal and thus to the closing of the shutters at the wrong time.

Fixing solution

Required materials:

Magnetic attachment of the sensor


  • Define location for sensors
  • Clean the adhesive point on the glass and washer with solvent and degrease
  • Wet the washer on one side with very little adhesive and stick it to the washer.
    To prevent the washer from slipping, it was temporarily secured against slipping with adhesive tape
  • Wipe off possible adhesive residues (outside the washer) carefully and cleanly with a cloth and solvent
  • Let the adhesive harden (~ 12 h) and remove the adhesive tape
  • Starting at the belt winder, slide the ring magnet over the fiber optic cable to the suction cup
  • Press the suction cup onto the washer and fix it with a magnet

Magnetic sensor attachment

Our conclusion:
The system is excellent. The sensor works and no longer falls off. My 96-year-old mother in particular thinks the system is great: her shutters open and close again at the correct time of day.