Light installation as an art project with our support

Students at the Burg Giebichenstein Art College in Halle have implemented a very special installation: Light installation as an art project with our support.

Art project with our support

As a student project in the design department at Burg Giebichenstein Art College Halle (Saale), we use a light source and a slowly rotating mirror plane to visualize a light cycle that takes place on a given radial projection surface.

Use of magnets:
To create a projection surface for the light cycle, a strip of parchment paper is attached to a metal ring (3 m in diameter). Only the paper and not the suspension are now in the foreground.
The light source shines on the mirror, which reflects on both sides and rotates slowly. A cycle of light is visualized on the large parchment ring.

Used magnets:
Small blockmagnets 5.0 x 5.0 x 1.2 mm N50 nickel – holds 450 g are used to attach the parchment paper to the metal ring.
With these, the paper is attached to the metal ring from the inside at regular intervals.

You can find a video of the installation here on Vimeo.

More pictures of the installation:

Light installation as an art project with our support

We are very happy to have been useful and helpful to the students with their idea!

The project is fascinating – amazing! The effort and work was definitely worth it and we got a great thumbs up from us!